Thunderbolt Premium Extra Strong BEER

Its been a month since the last time a good beer travelled north of Delhi, deep into the heart of Punjab.
With the supreme court tightening the noose around the supply of Alcohol, aapna thekka Chandigarh is rendered useless. We Punjabi's are stuck with an old stock of super strong beer and we take on the Thunderbolt tonight
Super bloodystrong beer, 8.25 % alcohol volume, a very bitter after taste.
Made with every possible ingredient that can be fermented.
It has Wheat
It has Barley
It has Rice
It has some More Wheat
It can have some Potato too
It most definitely has Hops and a lot of them

Paagi Thekka kithe : Thunderbolt has taken over the city, if you ask for beer in Amritsar you are going to get Thunderbolt only
5 points

Chuggabilty : If you love your larynx please drink it slow. This Buttery yellow hue wali beer has a very strong case of over carbonated and it is a Superstrong beer there fore bitter is an understatement.
Pop the lid and the beer rushes out ( probably because the bottle got shaken in the bagpack )
It is a bitter beer and with a consistent carbonation, 2.5 points on the chuggability

BURP Factor : I HATE THE BEER but love the burp.
4 clear points here.

Alchometer Rating :
Punjabi's and our obsession with super strong beers, on any given day Superstrong outnumbers Mild / Light Beers by a ratio of 3:1.
8 Percent Alcohol by volume is the starting point for Beer to bloody qualify as a drink.
4 Points for a High Alcohol Content

Wak Factor :
A 4 for personal reasons...
It is very bitter and the first sip always gets a major wak.

I don't understand this beer, I am still learning the differences between Ales and Lagers from the taste point of view and this beer has a distinctive overly bitter taste and that is about it; pick a Carling or a DareDevil all of them taste similar.

As my DAD like to call it You are an Idiot for Drinking a beer that does not know what is it, a super strong beer is for them drunks.



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