Fat guy that lifts : Chest Day

" I the Hates the Chest Day "
Probably because it is among my weakest muscle group, that being said my target has never been heavy arse weight on chest day, it is always proper form and Squeeze Motherfather.
The work out is meant for maximum calorie burn, I consume a lot so it is important to burn them off.
We start simple with a round of warming up with kettle bell swings superset with Pushups for a set of 10 done thrice.
Book a bench put any weight on the barbell ( I use a classic 45 pounds a side ) and lets go. Each rep is to be broken down into two parts a Slow downward motion and a Fast up ward motion, we pause for a second at the top and at the bottom.
A minimum of 6 reps and baki bonus.
We stick to a classic pattern of 5 sets per weight, that means we do 5 sets at 45 Pounds then move to exercise number two.
I forgot to mention we don't rest for more than 45 seconds in between sets, the rest is dedicated to stretching the used muscles and not staring at the women in the gym or clicking a flex selfie.
I Do not like the incline bench much, probably because of the injured wrist that being said thou shall not skip a classic, so to compensate I use the dumbbells for hitting the upper pecs.
Same as the flat bench 5 sets at one weight for about 6 reps minimum with a pause at the top and a pause at the bottom for a second.
Tip : Do not try to be a badarse and go for heavy dumbbells, a decent weight works wonders as the target is proper form for maximum activation for the muscle under the layer of Fat
Stretch in between sets, stretching is important. Wiggling the arms or rotating them around the shoulder at a slow speed works fine
Number Three : Bench with a Decline
Now decline without some weight is difficult and that is exactly what we are going to do, making it difficult.
Barbell a weight I use 35 Pounds per side ( it is a little light for decline ) and the got for 6-8 reps slow and keeping the barbell as steady as humanly possible .
Repeat the same for about 3-5 sets.
Without a break hit the pec deck or the machine for Fly's. Now this is pure super set... Medium weight
15 reps per arm
Then 20 reps slow squeeze at the centre with both for 4 sets, a total of 200 reps to end an eventful chest day.

In the end if the chest can take more load i head to the parallel bars for a few reps of deep dips ( usually cannot do more than 4 ) but is a bloody good way to end chest day.
( let me know if the workout works )


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