A Fizzless Wonder : Mango by Star Barrels

I am disappointed, the worst beer I've had till date. Mango Flavoured Barley water does not qualify as beer.
I may not be know the first word of brewing beer but I know two thing you cannot sell flavoured water by calling it BEER, that is unethical.
I don't even want to write a post about it, C.B.S.E style point system for today.

1. Flat, literally no Head on a Beer ?
2. Absolutely no Bubbles
3. Too Strong Mango Flavour
4. Absolutely nothing special about the special brew, except the Glass it was served in
5. Zero Buzz
6. Some one forgot to put Hops ( they aren't capable of Zero IBU )

Wak Factor : ZERO

ALCHOMETER RATING : 2, It had about 3 % Alcohol content or less, it was a very weak beer
Chuggability : how fast can you chug mango wala soda ?
Damn you protocol, 5 underserving points for the Mango

Burp Factor : Since it is my bloody rating scale a negative infinity. Flat as the bottom of a Cardboard box, no carbondioxide no burp.
A big bloody 0

Monetary Matters : 300 with taxes for a wretched 500 ml glass of Flavoured soda, not worth it.
A pathetic 1

Aesthetic Appeal : Only factor this beer may score some points it deserves, it is a good looking glass of liquid. The Liquid is a dull shade of Yellow in a slender glass with accentuated curves.
4.0 on the Beauty Index

I'm forced to write a good point about the Beer that was very disappointing.
The Effort is commendable, it may not be the best brew by an otherwise very efficient brewery. It may not satisfy the pallet of someone who knows what beer should be like, I went out with relative occasional drinkers and they did not seem to mind the " Highlighted " weak points. This may be a weak beer but is selling is high volume.



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