Beer Identification

" Beauty lies in the eyes of the beer holder "
After a clichéd quote to begin the second post, lets talk a bit more about the idea of BEER Reviews. After following a couple of pages and profiles that talk about BEER on almost every possible social media platform, I came to one conclusion; " GHANTA NAHI SAMAJ AAYA " ( I understood nothing ). The reviewers with their sensitive taste pallet shot out words like Crisp,its synonyms, Aggressive and at times Fruity. I have a lot of respect to the big lads and the old boys in the beer reviewing business but understanding the review and then implementing it while guzzling down beer is an idea on a tangent to practical, there fore I'm gonna be using a very different approach, its not scientific but is extremely easy and surprisingly practical.
On that note Burrrrraaaaaaaah
Beer for a regular drinker is a light drink and a number of my mates do not even consider it an actual alcoholic beverage; bloody idiots. So the first thing to note is the alcohol content, The usual Kingfisher Draught ( strong ) is roughly 8 Percent, so if you have say 500 ml of the Beer it has the same amount of alcohol as a medium PEG ( 45 ml ). It is important to know the alcohol level in a particular type of beer before you gulp down a gallon and then pass out on the floor, giving beer a bad name.
Strong Beers range between 6 % to 8 %
Super Strong Beers are above 8
Death in a Bottle ( Desi Beers ) are 12 and above, it is basically a alcohol in a bottle with soda as mixer.

Aroma : 
The nose may have to do some work for this one, take the beer mug close to the nose and take one deep breath.
Now as common folk we may not get a lot of different flavours that being said we will be able to identify some flavours keep those in mind when you move to the taste.

Taste : Just corroborates the flavours you smelled and honestly I've never picked up anything more than Barley and Hops that too on a good day. 

Color : now this is relatively easy ... 
Just look at the.bloody glass 
Sparkly light yellow is probably a Lager or Pilsner 
Muddy Yellow is a Stronger Lager or an Ale ( could be wheat or rice too ) 
Light Brown is a Stout or Dunkel 
Dark Brown is Imperial Stout 


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