Sunday The 14th : Beer Story

The day starts with a sleepless night and a 3 hours exam,thank god for chilled beer for sleepless is unbearable.
Stop one on the search for the mighty Bira and White Rhino is the Hauz Khas Social...
With a country obsessed with INDIA PLE ALE's in the Craft scene this hop less malty sweet
beer is on a tangent that feels a little weak.
The head is good but Heineken does it better, for a beer that claims to be the king of beers, A big Nope.
Chuggable from the word go and even after being awake for 36 hours this Mild beer won't hit, drink on me hearties...

Next Step Beer Cafe
God bless the creator of beer cafe one stop solution of the BEER fix...
We struck gold and found every thing that I had been craving for about an year. Being broke teaches you how to respect a budget, I had about 1500 left after the Budwiser and I had to try 4 Beers, #Challengeaccepted

White Rhino Lager :
The beer deserves a post of its own, it was beyond anything I've had in years.
It was perfectly crisp, with a malty undertone, none of the unnecessary alcohol bitterness, a beautiful clear sparkly yellow light body with a mild Head that stayed for a while.
300 odd rupees for a beer this good does not hurt, don't take my word on it just LOOK AT IT, so beautiful.

White Rhino Belgian WIT
Bira White from 2014 made desi with a slightly lower head but the same classic Wheat dominance with a refreshing citrus mouthfeel that boders on sweet.
150 from the Liquor store and 350 at The Beer Café, not bad but I pick the lager over wheat.
The Wheat is heavier and has a muddy finish to a familiar straw yellow with a hint of gold that is common to most Wheat Beers.

Amstel Light : Pale Light Lager
Trust the Dutch to make the most badarse beer, it is probably the lightest beer on sale in a bottle with the heaviest hop punch. The bitter lingers and is addictive, first sip is a little tough the bitter hides in the shadow of the Malt and the light golden pour with a white foamy head that vanishes before the second sip.
Best Part : The Mildly Sweet Bitter Taste, in my part of the country it is rare in Beers to have the bitterness of Hops. If you ever want to feel what a hopper bitterness is without getting muddled by the bitter from the Alcohol get your self an AMSTEL LIGHT.
It is expensive, VERY being the apt adjective; 525 Rupees for a Pint at The BEER CAFE .

I had 230 left in the budget after the Taxes and Tip so we choose a
KingFisher Ultra MAX

What a beautiful strong Lager this is, the aeration , the head FLAWLESS. It is the perfect concoction of Alcohol kick and a refreshing Lager feel without the dominance of the bitter from HOPS or the Alcohol.
Best Part in Delhi this is 90 Rupees.

I had a few more after that too There was a few crafts and a couple of Bocks, I would keep them for another post on some other day.

till then Chakko Chakko


  1. Thank you for a very interesting article. I greatly appreciate the time you take to do all the research to put together your posts. I especially enjoyed this one! check out 5 Best Indian Beers


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