It takes 6 Gears and 621 kilometres

Riding is Therapy...
I started riding 3 years ago when I bought my first bike, I've grown as a rider and as a human in the 30000 odd kilometers I've been on the tarmac. As a noob even I thought riding was therapy, when ever I was angry i'd pick my bike up and drown the noises in my head in the wind blast at speeds greater than 150 and it never worked. The fear of Death was never enough to scare away the demons in the head.
It took 621 kilometres and 533 minutes of silence on the saddle to figure out the fact riding alone is never therapeutic. Riding was meant to be a mode of finding peace, it was a mode of enjoying that peace and finding your self in that silence.
Being alone with your thoughts locked inside a helmet for kilometers at a stretch, you talk to your self, you argue with your self, and as time progresses and the kilometers tick by, you stop giving a fuck...
Issues ? Problems ? As long as there is petrol in my monster, nothing on this planet can hamper my peace. You may not find peace when you start your bike, but trust me at one threshold you will and that is the entire point. We don't ride for the view, or the bragging right, we ride to find the point where the world becomes noise and all that matters is the heart that is beating in unison with the engine.


( goddamn I miss my bike ) 


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