BOCK Beat's the beerbiker

Over the year's I've had the biggest buggers of a Desi 10000 Watt ( yeah that is a beer ) to the most exquisite Avocado beer at some brewery in the NCR, not once I have come across a beer that beats the shit out of me and then laughs at my passed out face; this insane bugger was the GERMAN BOCK by a brewery called the GREAT BEAR.
The Bock hits you like a RKO out of no where but like a bloody F5, it is a very smooth dark beer that hide's in the background and when you least expect it hit's you like a hurricane.
At a very high 8-12 % alcohol content and a very hoppy after taste the GERMAN BOCK land's it self in the PEG territory.

Wak Factor
For a beer capable of leading to stupid decisions this beer is does not have a very high wak factor, for a heavy drinker it will slide down just like the STOUT did. The point to note is that despite having a lower Wak factor than a GodFather this beer is heavy to gulp down, I will lead to a heavy ( ish ) need to head to the Loo and Barf your innards out if abused like we Punjabi's are accustomed to do.
This bugger beat's the stout to be among the Strongest Beer's on sale at a PUB in the TRI CITY area and get's a 3.5 on the Wak Scale

Well the thekka can go fuck it self, if the new's is anything to go by PUNJAB da thekka Chandigarh may be dry soon and so will the one exclusive place where we get the BOCK, sector 26 Chandigarh.
It happens to be a special brew by a very exquisite brewery setup in middle of secto 26 in CHANDIARH, and boy is it worth the tag for a guy who has grown up chugging Kingfisher RED finding a beer equally strong but a zillion times better in taste is a dream. ( Ignoring Grammar ) And I've found the one, but as the rules are this booze is exclusive and thus deserves the lowest possible rating on the scale...
Dil ka dard kaise bayan kare, Jab Dil He Bewda Ho

Monetary Matters
All said and done this beer is about 300 plus taxes, the ambience covers up the cost of a Brit Pint by a tiny margin but this beer is worth it's volume and then some.
I give it a 3.5 on the grade scale...

Despite all the complexity on the Thekka scale this beer cannot be judged on the standard criteria. In my 23 years of being on the shit planet earth, It is the most epic beer I've had in North India.
There fore I am gonna skip the cost factor and the alcohol and the etc factor and jump directly into the conclusion...

Gaalib ne kaha tha " Beer is Beautiful ", even if he didn't that Lad did not ever taste this Beer...

Ishq Personified

Beerbiker v/s Beer
Beer won


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