
Showing posts from October, 2016

Introduction to the BEERBiker

I started my beer story with a blazing Kingfisher, followed by the kick in the stomach GodFather back in 2013,  peer pressure perhaps. Those bitter monsters kept me off beer for a good 6 months till I came across a beautiful green bottle of bubbled elixir called Heineken, and I was hooked. From a Scotch Noob to a beer brother, what I learnt in the 6 months of abstinence was not all beers are same, there are some which taste like death and there are some with taste like a true love's Kiss. I've spent two years following beer like a lost puppy, and what follows this post is a series of beer reviews without the complex words or the typical " food review " but a simple 5 point Beer scale by some one who loves his Beer... The rating is simple and practical... Point one : The Wak Factor... The very first sip of them beer nights in most cases a Barf like gag reflex, it is subdued in us heavy drinkers but let's assume its there . First rating in based on the i...